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Group Two

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Wurkin With the At Partz ov Spech
Chapter 1

Tasks 1-26

The wurdz that we uz too mak up sentensz ar kold partz ov spech.
During this leson u wil lurn too pronouns and spel the at partz ov spech. The wurd in parenthesis shouz hwut it duz in a sentens.
The partz ov spech ar:
* Nouns (namin)
* Pronounz (replacin)
* Ajiktiv (deskribin)
* Vurbz (akshon)
* Advurbz (hou)
* Prepozishon (lokatin)
* Konjunkshon (konektin)
* Exclamatoory (exsitin)
1 . Match the folowin partz ov spech too hwut tha doo in the sentens.
instrukshonz: Underline the korekt anser.
a). namin (noun, pronoun)
b). vurb (deskribin, akshon)
c). replacin (prepozishon, pronoun)
d). akshon (noun,vurb)
e). hou (adurb, konjunkshon)
f). konjunkshon (konektin, lokatin)
g). exsitin (interjekshon, ajiktiv)
h). noun (akshon, namin)
i). konektin (konjunkshon, vurb)
j). pronoun (replacin, exsitin)
k). vurb (akshon, namin)
l). prepozishon (hou, lokatin)
First: lurn too pronouns ol ov the wurdz.
Second: lurn too spel ol ov the partz ov spech.
When u kan pronouns and spel ol ov the wurdz, hav sumwun giv u a test.

Definin the Partz ov Spech

Task: Memoriz the partz ov spech and hwut tha doo in a sentens.
1. Nouns (nam a purson, plas, thin, idea, or emoshon).
2. Pronounz (replas nouns).
3. Ajiktivz (diskrib a noun).
4. Vurbz (tel hwut sumthin iz dooing, haz dun, or wil doo).
5. Advurbz (tel hou, hou much, hou ofen, when, or hwer about a vurb).
6. Prepozishon (giv the lokashon or relationship betwen nouns or pronounz).
7. Konjunkshon (konekt too wurdz or too grups ov wurdz toogether).
8. Interjekshon (shoz eksitment).
2 . Rit in the korekt part ov spech.
Instrukshonz: fil in the blankz with the korekt partz ov spech.
a. ____________ replas nouns.
b. ____________ hwut sumthin iz dooing, haz dun, or wil doo.
c. ____________ diskrib a noun.
d.____________ namz a purson, plas, thin, idea, or emoshon.
e. ____________ hou, hou much, hou ofen, when, or hwer about akshon wurdz.
f. ____________ shouz eksitment.

g. ____________ konektz too wurdz or too grups ov wurdz toogether.
h. ____________ lokashon ov nouns or pronounz.

Uzin the Partz ov Spech

Lurn and uz som ov the actual wurdz that ar uzd az partz ov spech.
1. Nouns: Jo, baks, kup, park, tabel, Su, fish, dog, kat, dor, chair, paper.
2. Pronounz: I , me, we, she, her, him, us, tha, them, it, he
3. Ajiktiv: broun, heve, klir, red, a, an, the, skine, hwit, klen
4. Vurbz: ran, jump, so, iz, ar, wuz, pla, wur, slep, fel, tuch, smel, hir, klim, swim,
5. Advurbz: later, never, hir, finale, houever, not, nou, ofen, soon, stil, too, vere, ther, hwut, when, hwer, sumtimz
6. Prepozishon: about, abuv, akros, after, agen, alon, around, at, befor, behind, bilo, besid, betwen, bi, doun, for, from, in, intoo, ov, of, on, over, past, sins, til, too, under, up, upon, with.
7. Konjunkshon: and, but, befor, after, when, or, until, az, sins, unles, nor, bekoz, altho, hwer, hwil
8. Interjekshon: Ouch!, Shh-h!, Yippee!, Oh!, Gosh!, Wow!, Hurray!, Hurrah!, Whew!

3. Identifi the folowin grups ov wurdz bi ritin the partz ov spech next too the grup ov wurdz.
1. me, them, he, us__________ 2. ran, pla, wur, swim_________
3. dor, kup, Bob, tabel_______ 4. Yippee! Wow! Hurrah! _________
5. soon, ofen, nou, vere_______ 6. and, after, az, nor ____________
7. hwit, klir, red __________ 8. fish, dog, kat, paper ________ 9. smel, hir, klim, ar _____ 10. them, tha, he, it him_______ 11. soon, when, hwer ______ 12. doun, from, in, with ________
13. broun, a, an, the ________ 14. bekoz, altho, unles ______
15. Ouch!, Gosh!, Whew!, Oh! _____16. park, baks, Su, tabel, ______ 17. she, her, him, us __________ 18. a, an, heve, gren _______ 19. wuz, pla, tuch________ 21. behind, bilo, of, over ________ 22. altho, wur, hwil ________ 23. Gosh!, Wow!, Yippee! _______ 24. and, but, or ___________________

Ther ar fiv diferent kind ov nouns. Lurn the fiv tips ov nouns.
a). Purson : Mere, pepel, woman, child, mother, father, sister, bruther)
b). Animalz : dog, kat, fish, horsz, chiken, goat, fox, rabit, snak, burd)
c). Plasz : stor, skool, yard, plaground, desert, ski, mall, moov, oshen, river, feldz, farm,
d). Thinz : toi, book, shooz, paper, desk, kup, dish, kar, truck, bisikel.
e). Thinz u kannat se or tuch : luv, hat, honor, pes, soro, sadnes.
4 . Identifi the tip ov nouns in the folowin list. Plas a leter in the blank next too the wurd, (a, b, c, d) for the tip ov wurd.
a - pursonz
b - animal
c - plas
d - thin
e - thinz u kannat se or tuch.
1. boi__, rabit__, shoo__, pes__, man__, kat__, Frank__, kom,
2. soro__, Lare__, kup__, Chuk__, shock__, hat__, park__, spoon__, 3. snak__, luv__, burd__, bol__, TV__, gam__sister__, bruther__, sadnes__

wurdz that tak the plas ov nouns ar kold pronounz, ( Jim kan be replasd bi hiz ). His iz a pronoun.
Pronounz ar uzd too kep from sain the sam noun over and over.
Pronounz kan also replas other pronounz, ( hiz kan replas Jonz ).
5. Uz a noun or pronoun from the list too replas the pronoun next too the blank line.
List : man her gurl him boi Jon we woman us bisikel Mik Bob child pepel frendz it me sister bruther Stoodntz techer Mere I prinsipal aktor kook mother father karz tha sumwun u anywun both he

I_______her________him _______we _______ them ___________ it ________ me__________tha_________ she_________ hoo________ yoor_________our________ u_______ hiz__________us_______miself __________ himself______ themselvz_______thiz________that______
Som pronounz ar uzd too sho ownership. Tha sho that sumwun or sumthin owns sumthin.
5. Rit wun noun that makz sens with the possessive pronoun.
mi________ Your________ hiz_____________ our____________
her_________ ther_________ itz__________

6. Ar the folowin wurdz nouns or pronounz?
Rit N for nouns.
Rit P for pronoun.
1. hous___ hoom___I___Lare___ them___ stor___ eraser___

2. evrebade___sumbode___ hoo___ tha___desk_____ mi____min___ snak___herz____them___she_____her

3. _____hiz_____him_____it____fan_____rug____glas_____ hooz____book____ babi_____ us______we____ him______ther_______everewun_______

7 . Rit fiv diferent anserz for each tip noun. Look bak over the leson for anserz.
a). pursonz:
b). plasz
c). thinz:
d). animalz:
e). thinz u kant se:
The folowin list ov wurdz ar uzd too diskrib the menin ov nouns or pronounz. Tha ar kold ajiktivz.
8. Rit wun noun next too each ajiktiv. The wurdz must mak sens toogether.
1. red_________ lafin_______ smol________brav________ manle_______ kwiet_______ kold______ durte________hi_______ dul_______ manle _______kind___________ lo___________

2. ise_______kindle_______ grashus_______ luvabel_____ plaful_______ smart_______ anoiin_________talented _________ good_________ bad _______much_______mane ________litl______

Som pronounz kan doo too jobz. Tha kan be both pronounz and ajiktivz.
9. Rit wun noun with each pronoun or ajiktiv.
1. hwut______ nether_______several________hwich_________

2. ane________thez_______mane_______another________ much______mor_______ether______ol________

10 . Rit wun noun, or ajiktiv with each pronoun.
hwut______ nether_______ several________hwich_________
other________that_________few________ thoz________
mor_______ether______ ol__________

The folowin form ov ajiktivz kan doo too jobz. Tha kan talk about the noun that kam befor them or tha kan join too ideaz toogether.
hoo hoom hwich that
11 . Put a diferent vurb, noun, or pronoun in front ov each ajiktiv. ______hoo _____hoo ____hoo _____hoom ______hoom _____hoom ____hwich _____hwich ______hwich ______that ____that________that

wurdz that tel hwut sumthin iz dooing or hwut sumthin did ar kold vurbz. Vurbz also tel hwut hapened. Som vurbz doo not sem too sho akshon, but tha help explan the akshon ov other wurdz. Other vurbz doo not sho akshon but tha help join too wurdz toogether.
12 . Rit wun noun or pronoun next too each vurb. The too wurdz must mak sens toogether.

1. _______iz _________ar _________et
________understand_______ _______be ________pas _______smil _________kwiet _______fal _______sav _______gro _______spek

2. ________wish ________haz _______am _______wur ________mit _________hav ______iz _______shood _____must ________had _________wood _____pul _______trimd
3. ________mov _________sin ______big ________ _____falo

4. ________trik _________ kan _______ wil _________wok ________begin _______doo _________ driv _______ring ______tak _______tak _________thro _______go _______spel

5. _______gro________slip __________swim ______brak ________chooz ______fal ________no _______rid ______se __________tak _______wer _______rit ________hold_____beg ________floo

13 . Rit wun vurb too sho hwut sumwun haz dun. The wurdz must mak sens toogether.
1. him______ we_______ I_________u_______it_______her
_______ he________ us_________ sumbode________hoo______them_______ miself________ himself________ mi________anebade _________ hiz________

2. her_________ther________ sumwun_______ anywun_________ everewun________ me_________ tha_________ she___________our________
Vurbz explan the akshon or helps join other wurdz toogether. The wurdz that doo the akshon ar nouns or pronounz.
14 . Rit wun noun or pronoun that makz sens with each akshon wurd.
1. ____iz ____ar _____wuz _____swim ______ar _______wur ____kan ______brak ________understand _______hav ____wok ______wav _____be ______lurn ______chooz

2. ____pas _____shood ______smil _______must ____begin _____fal _____no ______kwiet ______had _______had _____doo _____rid _____wish _______driv _______se _______spek

3. ______wood ______ring _______spel ______les ______tak _____gro _______thro ______rit ______trimd ______go _____driz _______mov ______sin ____spel ______les

4. ______plan ______gro ______hold ______thro ______falo _____hurt _______beg _______rush _______trap ______sliped _____floo
15 . Rit wun vurb that makz sens with the folowin pronounz.
1. him_______ hoo________ hiz________ me_______ we_______ them_______ herz_______ tha_______ I________ hooz______ ther_______ she________ u_______ miself______sumwun ______

2. it _______himself ________anywun ________yoor ______ her ______ he_______mi______our______us ______sumbode_______ anebade_________.

Vurbz kan be divid intoo too grups.
1. The furst grup ov vurbz tel that sumthin iz happening, haz hapened, or wil hapen.
16 . Rit wun noun that makz sens with each vurb.
1. ________runz _______ swam _______at _____sliped _____fel _______spin _______holdz _______kutz _______pul ______dig

2. ______kol _______hug _______hit _______mov _______driv _____wok _______klim _____fli _______fal
2. The seknod grup ov vurbz tel ov hwer sumthin iz, hwer it wil be, or it konektz wurdz toogether. Tha also help understand the menin ov vurbz.
17. Rit wun pronoun that makz sens with each vurb.
1. _______am _________ar ________bekom _______apir ________smel _______riman _________iz _________gro
2. ________sound ________hwer _________ look_______sem _________bein _______fel ________wuz __________ben

3. Another grup ov vurbz helps the man vurb in the sentens. This grup iz kold a helpin vurb.The folowin grup ov helpin vurbz kan be uzd with the man vurb.
18 . Rit wun pronoun with each helpin vurb.

1. _______am ________kan ________hav ______had ______ma ______ar ________wur _______kood _____mit ______wil _____iz

2. ________haz ________wood ________shood ________duz ______must ______wuz _______doo ______be ________did

19 . Rit wun or too helpin vurb with each ov the folowin vurbz.
1. _______bet _________beaten ________kach ________kot_________div _________dov ________forget ________forgot ___________forgatn _________hurt ________kep ________kept

2. __________pa _________pad ________red _______set ______swin ___________swun _________stel ___________stol _______stolen _________tir __________tor ________toorn

3. _______be ________begin _______bitn _______blon _______brak ______brin ___________bild _______kum _______doo _______dro _______drink ________driv ________et

4. ________began ________bit _________bloo ________brak ________fal ________fel ________fit _______fot______fli _________floo _______set _______got ________giv _________go

5. ________gro ________hir ________gav _________went _________groo ______noo________no ________non ______la ________lad ___________led _______led _______put _______rid

6. _______rod ________riden ________run ________ran ________sa _________sed _________tel _______told _________think _______thot ______wer ________worn ________rit ________rithen

Another grup ov wurdz tel hou, hou much , hou ofen, hwer, or when, the akshon hapenz. Tha ar kold adurbz.
20 . Rit wun or too vurbz next too each adurb so that tha makz sens.
1. __________yesterda _______outsid _______urle ________insid _________hir ________lat ______kwietle _________not _______furmle ______dale _________ kwietle _______okazhinale
2. ______huredle _______imedeitle ________nurvesle _______nou _________kwikle _________tomaro _________upsterz ________endlis ________hir ________kerfulle

3.________evrehwer ________swiftle __________nohwer _________hard ________further _________not ________ther ________nou _________too ________larjer_______ ofen _______vere

4. ______bluer __________prabable _________briter
_______ ______ when_______ wel_________ sumtimz _______ ________ also

21 . Rit wun or mor noun, pronoun, or vurb next too each adurb. The wurdz must mak sens.
__________yesterda_______ outsid _______urle ________insid
________hir _______ lat ______kwietle _________not _______furmle ______ dale _________ okazhinale ______mistireusle

1. ______huredle _______imedeitle ________nurvesle _______nou _________kwikle ___________tomaro _________politle _________upsterz ________endlis ________hir ________kerfulle

2. ________evrehwer ________swiftle __________nohwer _________hard ________father __________furtherz _________not ________ther ________nou _________too ________larjer
3. ____________ofen _______vere ______bluer __________prabable _________briter_______ when________ wel_________ sumtimz ________hwer_______ best________ stil________

4. __________yesterda _______outsid _______urle ________insid _________hir ________lat ______kwietle _________not _______furmle ______dale _________kwietle _______okazhinale

5. _______mistireusle ______huredle _______imedeitle ________nurvesle _______nou _________kwikle _________tomaro _______politle _________upsterz ________endlis ________hir

6.________kerfulle ________evrehwer ________swiftle __________nohwer _________hard ________father __________furtherz _________not ________ther ________nou

7. _________too ________larjer_______ ofen _______vere ______bluer __________prabable _________briter________
_______ when________ wel_________ sumtimz ________hwer_______ best________ stil

Another grup ov wurdz iz uzd too sho relationships and lokashonz betwen a nouns and som other wurd. Tha also sho lokashonz betwen helpin vurbz and other wurdz in a sentens. Thez wurd ar kold prepozishon.
22 . Rit a noun or pronoun next too each prepozishon too sho hou it iz konektid too som other wurd in the sentens. U kan uz the wurd "the" too help the wurdz mak sens toogether.
1. after _______befor ______sins ______besid _______about _____ abuv _________akros __________until __________bilo__________ tord _________around _____throo

2. ______up ________doun _____ within _________over ________with _______form ________for______ behind _______too ________without _______under ______on

3. agenst________ alon________besid _________ betwen_________ doorin_________ eksept_________of_______ ov_______ in_______

4. insid________nir_______out________bi_______beyand________
______after _______befor ______sins ______besid _______about ________abuv _________akros __________until __________bilo

5. _________tord ________ around _____throo ______up _______doun ________ within ________ over ______ with _______form ________for______behind _______too ________without _______under

6. ______on _________agenst__________ alon________besid __________betwen_________ doorin____________ eksept of_______ ov_______ in_______ insid________nir______out______ bi_______beyand_________
23 . fil in the blank with a wurd that makz sens. under the________ Around the _________ throo the ___________ akros the _________
in the____________ over the _____________ betwen the___________ Against the ________ up ___________ tord the_____________ bilo the___________ within the _______________
24 . Rit a noun or vurb next too each prepozishon . The wurdz must mak sens toogether.
1. after _______befor ______sins ______besid _______about

________abuv _________akros __________until __________bilo

tord _________around _____throo ______up_________

2. ________doun_______within _________over ________with________

form ________for______behind _______too ________without________

______under ______on


Ther iz another grup ov wurdz that kan be uzd too konekt wurdz or grups ov wurdz toogether in a sentens. Tha ar kold konjunkshon. Ther ar onle a few konjunkshon, so u kan memoriz them.
25 . Rit the konjunkshon too sho hou the wurdz work toogether.
1. and u and me mom_______dad
but not wun but too not in_______out
or we or tha pi_____is krem
nor nether u nor Jo nether him______me
yet plaful yet smart yun______stron
and shooz and sakz bred_______buter
but it lookz bad but tast good wuz lost______nou itz found
or we wil go or we wil sta hom red_____rit
nor u wil nether pla games nor wach TV nether u_____me
yet she wuz strict yet frendle tord me prite____nis
2. mom_______dad not in_______out pi_____is krem
nether him______me yun______stron bred_______buter once wuz lost______nou it's found red_____rit nether u_____me

Another grup ov wurdz shouz eksitment. Tha ar kol interjekshon. Interjekshon kan be uzd in a sentens or tha kan be a sentens bi themselvz. When interjekshon ar uzd bi themselvz, tha ar followed bi a speshal mark at the end hwich iz kold an eksklamashon point.
Lurn too recognize the folowin interjekshonz.
Wow! Oh!
Horrors! Yip pee!
Hurrah! Gosh!
Ouch! Whoopee!
Hurray! Whew!
Stoop! Shh-h!
Golly! Help!
Oh! Goodness!

Rit and Remember
Instrukshonz: memoriz the folowin roolz
Lurn hou too sa the definitions korektly without lookin. Then look awa too se if u remember it. Your ma be required too rit each rool from memore.
1. The wurdz that mak up sentensz ar kold partz ov spech.
2. Nouns, nam pursonz, plasz, thinz, or ideaz.
3. Pronounz ar uzd too replas nouns.
4. Vurbz tel hwut sumthin iz dooing, haz dun, or wil doo.
5. Advurbz tel hou, hou much, hou ofen, when or hwer about a vurb.
6. Ajiktiv ar uz too diskrib nouns.
7. Prepozishon tel the lokashon ov nouns or pronounz.
8. Konjunkshon konekt too wurdz or too grups ov wurdz.
9. An interjekshon iz a wurd that shouz eksitment.
Chapter 2
Lurnin the Roolz ov Gramar
The roolz ov gramar hav ben divid intoo lesonz too giv the Stoodntz a brak from studein. The leson kan be divid further too provide shorter stude pireedz.

Dyslexia: Index

What to expect from Dyslexia Treatment

Dyslexia Treatment: Series One

Dyslexia Treatment: Series Two

Dyslexia: Group One

Student Workbook

Teacher's Guide