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Toilet Training



This is a question that is very difficult for women who are becoming mothers for the very first timee . So here is a detailed step by step pro gramme that will help them on this major aspect of their baby-CHANGING DIAPER.

  • Before starting , make sure that everything that you need is very much within your reach.
  • Now make your baby lay on a soft surface with his back on the surface.
  • The next step will be to loosen the diaper tabs. Now raise the bottom of the child away from the diaper and gently pull the dirty one.
  • Keep the dirty diaper away from the reach of the baby.
  • Now clean the area thoroughly using soft cotton balls and warm water. You can also use wipes that are dipped in alcohol. But make sure you do not use them if your baby is less than 2 months old, as it can cause irritation.
  • Now slowly slide a fresh diaper , placing the tabs portion under your baby's back.
  • Before you fasten the diaper, make sure you apply some cream or ointment recommended by the doctor to avoid any kinds of rashes.
  • Now fasten the diaper by pulling the front flap. Make sure the diaper does not come over the cord of the baby , causing pain to him. So keep it just below his navel.
  • last but not the least , make it a point to always dispose the used diaper properly by keeping it inside a bag to avoid any kind of infection.


Using a diaper makes things very comfortable for the mothers as they do not have to worry about clothes getting spoiled. But sometimes diapers become very painful for the babies as they tend to give them rashes which irritate and pain a lot. So here are some points that you can to to treat diaper rashes and avoid them.


Make sure that you change your baby's diaper as soon as it becomes wet. Do not try to save on the diaper because remaining for a long time in the wet diaper will give the baby rashes.


whenever you change the diaper make it a habit to clean your babies bottom using cotton balls or soft wash cloth dipped in warm water. Avoid using "baby wipes".


There are a number of ointments available that act as barrier or blocks to urine and stool and the baby's skin. Some of them are Desitin, A&D, Eucerin, zinc oxide or Nivea.


Make sure you leave your baby at least for an hour or two during the whole day to let his bottom take fresh air . Fresh hair will help the rashes to heal faster.


Avoid using soap as much as possible on your baby's bottom. Using the soap 2-3 times is more than enough. And even if you are using a soap make sure it is a mild one.

Bye-Bye Diapers! Hello Toilet

How do I know if my child is ready to transition to the toilet? Well, there are some signs you can look for and if they are there, we have the Toilet Tips you have been waiting for!

Signs that your child can use the Potty:

1) Your child is between 2 and 3.

2) Your child can stay dry for a few hours at a time during daytime and may wake up dry in the A.M.

3) Your child goes #2 in predictable patterns.

4) Your child will ask to have a new diaper OR ask to be changed when they go #1 or #2.

5) Your child starts asking questions or tries to watch other family members go to the toilet.

Before you start potty training, experts say you should keep in mind 1 very important thing. It can and probably will take several weeks to several months to teach your child toilet success. Let your child use the toilet when he or she is ready, not you. Experts also say that if a child trains around 2, they will be successful by 3. However, if your child starts before 18 months old (and some rare ones do successfully), they may not be fully ready and trained until age 4!

TIP 1 - Ease into it slowly. Take the process step by step, starting by simply sitting your child on the toilet fully clothed while you explain what its for. Try holding her if she feels scared on it or try reading a book. Or bring dolls or favorite stuffed animals into the bathroom to make your child feel comfortable. Have your child try to teach the dolls or stuffed animals how to use the toilet while you teach your child. This may make bathroom time fun.

TIP 2 - Create a Routine. If your child indicates somehow that they have to go to the bathroom, try to take them to the toilet on a predictable pattern, i.e., right before bed, right after eating lunch, etc. Or even trying sitting them on the potty even when they don't have to go, to get your child used to the idea. Don't get frustrated if nothing happens. This is often a long process. It may be useful also if you sit your child on the toilet while you run their bath because running water has been known to help anyone go to the bathroom.

TIP 3 - Success should be Rewarded. If your child succeeds, reward them with whatever they may enjoy, such as a new sticker or something yummy. Even if the child isn't doing that well on the toilet, still reward them if they are making attempts and trying - positive reinforcement. Keep it happy and optimistic for both you and child. If accidents occur outside the toilet, and they probably will, tell them that its ok, it will be better in time, but never show any anger or dissappointment.

TIP 4 - Be a Role Model. This may sound weird at first, but experts say it may help to have your child watch you or a sibling going to the bathroom. Children like to copy their parents so why not using the toilet.

TIP 5 - Never Rush or Push. Some children just will not get it for awhile. If it starts to get frustrating for you or child try taking a break for a bit. And then try again, always incorporating in new tips or methods. What may work for one child will not always work for another.

TIP 6 - Toilet Training books and videos. There is quite a bit of media out there to get your child interested in the toilet. Go to your local book and/or video store and see what's available. You will certainly find something on toilet training and this will also help to make using the toilet more inviting.