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Cutting the first tooth, is indeed a milestone for your baby, and a matter of great joy for the parents.

But this milestone is not achieved all at once, this journey from a cute gummy baby to a boy with a smile garnered with a set of bright white teeth takes approximately three years. An these three years leave behind many memories both sweet and bitter. So lets throw some light on this aspect of your baby--- TEETHING

When does it start?

There is not a fixed time for a child to cut his/her first tooth . It varies from baby to baby. In some cases teething process starts as early as at an age of three months, while in some cases you might have to wait till your baby turns one. In most of the cases babies sprout their first tooth any time between the age of 4-7 months. So there is no hard and fast time that a baby follows. The thing is that by the time your baby turns three, he should have a full set comprising of 20 milk teeth.

Teething Symptoms

Some symptoms that are common to most of the infants while they are beginning the process of teething include:

  • Increased drooling and crankiness.
  • The baby might show some signs of irritation around his/her mouth due to large amount of drooling. Apply small amount of petroleum jelly to soothe the baby.
  • The gums of the baby look swelled and become sensitive to hot and cold foods.
  • It becomes difficult to make the baby sleep.
  • You might observe a blister called hematoma, which is reddish blue in color emerging on the gum line. As the tooth emerges out , this blister bleeds a little. If the blister remains for more than a week, and the tooth does not come out,make sure you call your doctor.
  • It is normal for the baby to have slight fever and diarrhea

Kick off the pain

The toughest and the most difficult part in the whole process of teething is to cope up with the baby's pain. It is very difficult for a mother to see her little baby in pain. So as a mother you must be wondering what you must do that may soothe your little one. So here comes a guide on what all mothers can do to relieve their babies from pain.

  • Make it a habit to clean off your baby's face with a soft cloth to wipe off the drool and prevent rashes that may cause pain to your baby.
  • Rub your baby's gums with a clean finger, this will soothe him/her.
  • Provide your baby with something to chew. Mind that what you give to the baby is not small, and he cannot swallow it.
  • A teething ring can be a good option for the baby, as they can be chilled in the freezer for extra numbing comfort. Make sure they are not frozen as they will hurt those already swollen gums.
  • Something as simple and easily available as a wet cloth can provide relief to your baby. But make sure the cloth is clean and sterilized.
  • Teething gels that temporarily numb the gums can also be of great help.
  • Acetaminophen or ibuprofen is an effective time tested pain reliever for the baby. An age-appropriate dose of an infants' liquid pain reducer can provide temporary relief.
  • Here are some tips to keep in mind when your baby is teething:


Here is some stuff about Teething that parents must know:

  • Your baby's teeth usually emerge in pairs.
  • Majority of infants cut their first tooth at an age of 4-7 months.
  • The teeth that are seen first are those at the front of the bottom jaw called the central incisors,next are those at the top. Following them are molars and the canine teeth. And at last you can see the back molars.
  • Your baby must have a complete set of 20 milk teeth, by the time he/she turns three.

Now that your baby has embarked upon to show those pearly white teeth. It is the responsibility of you as a mother to take good care of them till the time your baby is old enough to maintain them.

  • Make it a habit to clean your baby's mouth even before the teeth emerge. Always clean the gums after every meal, using a soft wash cloth to remove the food.
  • As soon as the teeth start to emerge , make sure you are regularly cleaning them. Do not consider them less important as they are going to be replaced by permanent teeth. But these are the once on which depend the spacing of the permanent ones. If they decay infections like gingivitis can take place which will effect the permanent teeth as well.
  • Observe the teeth for any signs of cavity. Any kind of change in color of the tooth or pitting can be a sign of cavity building up.
  • Always give your baby water to drink after every meal. This will wash off the food that is sticking to the teeth.
  • Introduce a tooth brush as early as possible, so that the baby comes into a habit of brushing his/her teeth regularly.
  • Make sure you yourself brush your baby's teeth in case he/she has eaten some sugary or sticky food. Otherwise water is enough to clean off normal food.
  • To begin with brushing, start with a toothpaste which is non-flouride. Amount of the paste to be used should be equal to the size of a pea.
  • Plan for regular dental examinations. It has been recommended by The American Dental Association that a baby should get his first dental examination at the age of one. And after thet it should be followed by regular dental check-ups.
  • Another important thing that parents must take care of in order to keep the teeth of their baby in good condition is that never let the baby fall asleep with bottle in his mouth . As the milk or juice inside baby's mouth can cause tooth decay.
  • Inculcate a habit of brushing your baby's teeth twice a day, especially after meals.

If you take good care of your tiny one's teeth, it is going to act as a base for a healthy life ahead for him.